
Types of maple trees in pennsylvania
Types of maple trees in pennsylvania

types of maple trees in pennsylvania

It can be pruned to retain a smaller frame. Space: For space-challenged gardeners, the Japanese maple is probably the best choice.If you live in a drought-prone area or you don't want to spend the time and effort to water your trees, talk to your local garden center to choose a maple for you. Moisture: Most maples like the soil a bit moist but some, like the silver maple, demand it.Soil pH: In general, maples are tolerant of a wide range of soil pH levels from a very acid 3.5 up to a neutral to alkaline 7 and over.Root system: Many maples have aggressive surface roots and shouldn't be planted close to the house, near septic systems or close to sidewalks or driveways due to damage.Tree's that have outgrown their containers usually have a wrapping, circular root system and might not grow properly even when planted in the ground. Select a tree that hasn't grown outside its container, which usually shows by roots growing out of the bottom drain holes. When purchasing a maple tree be sure to check the tree for signs of disease or pests. The types of maples gardeners are most likely to encounter in the average home and garden center include: With so many species of maple, it would be nearly impossible to list them all. Most maples have green leaves during the growing season, but some may have red or ruby-bronze colored leaves. The leaf shape itself may be slender, almost lacy, like the Japanese maple, or wide in the middle like the Norway maple, but the leaves always have five points or finger-like projections. They have a gray bark and a sensitive root system. The leaves of all maples have five points. Sugar maples turn brilliant shades of yellow, orange, and bright red in the fall. You can easily recognize a maple tree by the leaves. How Deep Are Gardenia Roots? Transplanting Overview.Crimson King Maple Trees Provide Colorful Foliage.Gardeners have a host of selections useful as shade, specimen, or accent trees and smaller types work well in containers dressing up a porch or entranceway. Maples hail mostly from Asia, but some species are native to North America, Europe, and North Africa. Getty Images With their stunning display of fall colors in reds, gold and yellow, maple trees make a striking addition to the landscape. They grace landscapes throughout the world and most are deciduous, meaning they lose their leaves each fall, but a few native to the warm climates of southern Asia do not shed their leaves. Maple trees belong to the genus Acer, and there are over 100 species of maple trees. Over the years ,the Norway maple has naturalized throughout most of Pennsylvania but has quickly grown to other nearby states, including Massachusetts.

Types of maple trees in pennsylvania